Sri Lanka National Mine Action Centre

5th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage 1, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka ​

Victim Assistance

The term ‘Victim Assistance’ (VA) in the context of mine action refers to a set of activities that address the needs and rights of Explosive Ordnance (EO) victims, and comprises emergency and ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, psychological and psycho-social support, and socio-economic inclusion. VA also includes data collection, laws, and policies. (IMAS 13.10)

EO victims include people injured and killed, their families, and communities affected by EO.

Sri Lanka fully supports the principle that specialized VA efforts are short-term solutions that should be implemented only until they are effectively integrated into broader frameworks. Sri Lanka’s mine action programme notes that its VA responsibilities are more of a facilitating role, focusing on awareness raising, coordination and information. As such, the mine action programme commits to addressing strategic challenges related to information management, coordination and awareness raising.

The following actions points have been collaboratively defined by NMAC and relevant government stakeholders:

Schedule quarterly coordination meetings at national and provincial levels with relevant stakeholders (government, UN agencies and civil society) to advance the agenda of victim assistance, prevent duplication of efforts and ensure accurate information on EO victims. Each stakeholder will appoint a VA focal point for this matter.

Coordinate with the Department of Social Services' CBR programme to ensure that EO victims are well identified and supported.

Coordinate with the Ministry of Health's Injury Prevention and Control Unit to ensure that EO accidents are included as a cause of disability in the injury surveillance system forms.

Identify policies and plans where Victim Assistance should be incorporated, such as the National Action Plan on Disability and the upcoming Disability Bill.

Verify current victim and incident data available in the IMSMA and conduct an initial survey on 10% of the total mine victims to assess their current situation and needs. This will inform funding priorities.

In March 2024, NMAC took the initiative to hold a meeting with the State Minister of Social Services to gain his support for implementing the aforementioned actions related to victim assistance. Ongoing discussions are also underway to secure additional support from (I)NGOs operating in the country. NMAC remains committed to facilitating assistance and coordination to address the needs of EO victims.

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